Author: cindi.crandall

In the last post, I talked about recording products in StockControl, I am sure you already understood it well. If you have issues, please leave your comments. Now it’s time to move to the next episode. In this section, I will introduce the manufacturing and bundling process in StockControl system, If you are running a business with this procedure included, then you must read this post. In StockControl system, there are three concepts you should know: Bundle List. What’s a bundle list? Bundle list in StockControl refers to a manufacturing schedule or a bundling plan, You need make a plan…

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For recording business activities, there are many useful features and functions in StockControl, But where to start if this is your first time use of StockControl? Actually You can start from any one feature you like, for example, customers and vendors information or warehouse management. In this tutorial, the operation is started from recording products in this system. Recording Products is the core of any business operations, if there is no products in the system, then you can not create sales orders, purchase orders etc in StockControl. Products in the StockControl can be classified as Simple Products, and Composite Products…

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If you have inventory to operate and want an inventory management tool, StockControl is a good choice for your business. In this tutorial, you will learn and know the installation and configuration of StockControl. StockControl is actually a client software, it must work with database engines together. It supports both MYSQL AND Microsoft SQL Server. Here is an ideal business architecture for StockControl. StockControl Architecture The translation of the above diagram is you can install as many StockControl clients as you like on many computers, but the database server should be one only, the data is shared among the clients.…

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If you are doing traditional offline business and are now in the situation of searching for inventory software and solutions, then you’d better give our products a trial. MXSKU.COM not only provides an online inventory management solution, but we, as the developer, also offer an offline business tool. If you do not want to store your business information on the cloud , StockControl is a good choice. It meets your basic security and stability concerns. Free offline inventory software StockControl is an offline software for inventory management. This means it works well without the internet. There are many features available…

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Did you ever have a thought to optimize your business operation or did you already act to execute new modes to boost your business? You should do it even if your business runs well. Why inventory optimization is important? Inventory flow is emphasized as being very crucial to making your business succeed or fail. In this article, Let’s talk about some facts about inventory flow and how it can impact your business. It’s common sense that we must purchase products or raw materials if we decide to run a serious business. Inventory flow reflects the movement of the products from…

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In this short post, I will introduce an inventory tool to you, SKU number generator. As its name says, it’s a tool for generating SKU numbers. Is the SKU number generator useful? If you are responsible and in charge of planning and implementing an SKU system for your company, that’s a great job. It’s easy, but you should take it carefully because some small mistakes can result in some serious results. If you design and organize SKU numbers in wrong ways, this will make them unmaintainable in the future, especially if there are many inventory items in your warehouse. If…

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As we know, inventory management and stock control are the backbones of running a successful business. A good inventory management tool can help prevent potential losses, decrease operation costs, boost business turnover rate and give you accurate scores of business operations on various dimensions. In this post, let’s talk about the steps to choosing a suitable inventory management tool for your business. There is no one best inventory system for all businesses, each business type has its own characteristics and specific requirements. Here in this article, we generalize the key factors from top to bottom, and the most important one…

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He wrote down in a excel form: Labeling inventory items with identification codes is a necessary step for inventory management. This procedure is also described as preparing and creating SKU numbers, but How to create SKU numbers? Creating and organizing SKU numbers is very simple, but to create meaningful SKU numbers in a beautiful format, there are some tips you should master. Although a barcode scanner can identify meaningless serial numbers and letter codes, you will benefit from SKU numbers if you create and make them with predicable and understandable rules. What do good SKU numbers look like? Let me show…

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Inventory tracking is very important for running a successful business. A good tracking system can help your business run efficiently while at the same time saving you time and money. What is the first step to starting inventory tracking? It is the SKU. The product SKU comes first when planning an inventory tracking system. Good plans and rules for SKU are crucial to the next things related to your inventory business. If you have good plans and rules, then your business will go well and run smoothly. What features do good SKU numbers have? SKU stands for stock keeping unit,…

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